Tuesday 17 November 2009

Assumption-A seed of destruction!

Assumption-A seed of destruction

If I ever begin to recount on all the things God has delivered me from, it may take eternity, yet still it is my duty to testify because by it ANOTHER MAY RECEIVE HEALING & RESTORATION!

A friend of mine today said to me, don’t you think it is a bit risky when you share your personal experiences with other people ESPECIALLY IF A MAN IS READING!

I laughed, she had a point somehow considering the world today but my reply was :’’ If God has redeemed us from the enemy, is it not just right to share the freedom with a ‘Nemo’ as Rita Twiggs puts it ?
Our testimony is essential because it builds and reminds another that nothing is impossible and that one can change if only he/she sets his/her heart at it. We don’t just testify of the mansion, car, and all. We must share our inner change as well. No wonder I love Joyce Meyer .She shares it as it is and is not ashamed of her.

For long, I had been a victim so to say of ASSUMPTION.I was always assuming without getting to the foundation of a matter.

Assumption is deadly. When you assume, a door which serves as access to the enemy becomes wide open. He then erodes your mind with creative, cunning imagination of things which in reality do not exist.
Assumption gives birth to suspicion, then jealousy and quarrel and if blown out of proportion, separation.

I had a friend and even though we had a great relationship, there were weaknesses on both sides. Constantly, I would find myself assuming at every open opportunity. Whenever I did not get a reply to my calls, messages or an appointment was changed, and first thing that will cross my mind were ungodly thoughts.

I am so glad today I can boldly stand and say that I am FREE and free indeed! People have reasons for everything they say or do. Your only duty is to believe and be wise. If anyone is unavailable to talk or reply a message instantly, it may be that they are not readily available, are busy or maybe even in a dilemma. That does not for a fact mean they are undermining or avoiding you. Look at the bright side; don’t just base your thoughts on the negative.

Do not bring yourself down low by assuming because that is what it does to you. It cheapens and destroys you very often. So don’t make assumption your first step in any circumstance. Make your own discovery not based on ear-say or your emotions and thoughts. Get to the root of the matter before passing judgement or crucifying someone.

The enemy does not love it when and where there is peace so assumption is one of his deadly tools for destruction. He’s come to kill, steal and destroy but God has come to give you life abundantly.

If you are tangled in the web of assumption or acting by rumours, I pray you will learn to trust and rely on God for help; be willing to change and take steps that actually lead you to change. Believe you can because aint nobody gonna do the believing in you better than you Sweetheart.
Summing it all up, friends, I'd say you'll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious—the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse. Put into practice what you learned from me, what you heard and saw and realized. Do that, and God, who makes everything work together, will work you into his most excellent harmonies. Philippians 4:8 (The Message)

© November 2009 Aminata A Dibassey.

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