Monday 14 December 2009

Keep life simple!!

"Life can be complicated, but happiness is simple. I don't know about you, but my world is not all perfect. I have doubts, fears and face disappointments and hurt, but Faith in God keeps me standing through; the ability to encourage myself in the word and the ability to receive doses of inspiration from others to bring me back to where I should be when I loose it & to re-direct me to what’s really important in life."

“The object of love is not getting something you want but doing something for the well-being of the one you love” (John C. Maxwell)

I trust all is well with you! I pray the week brings forth fulfillement!

 I thought I’d share in no particular order; few inspirational quotes I have been blessed with from the word, family, friends, and ministers I have been privileged to receive from through the years! Don't mind the length (lol). You don’t have to read them all at once; keep them and draw strength once in a while like I do. You can use these to inspire others too but please do remember to give honour to whom honour is due by mentioning the person from whom the quote derives from .Thanks and many blessings!

Amy A R Dibassey August 2009...


*“Your age does not matter to me. To your parents, you remain forever a child though matured and grown and for that reason you are and will forever be loved’’! Mrs Esther Dibassey (My lovely mum)

*“Words are like water in a cup, when spilled, you can never put it back in the cup so be mindful how you hold the cup’’Mrs Esther Dibassey (My lovely mum).

*” “Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of Him we must give account”Heb 4:13

*“No one is a "Write off".......especially when they still have LIFE........Dont give up on people so easily; for where there is LIFE, there is HOPE.” Abraham Jones

*“Never feel you are more righteous or better than the next person and so God should bless you more! Don’t have a small goat mentality, rejoice at other’s success” Pst Matthew Ashimolowo

*“Deal with bitterness so you won’t find yourself in competitive jealousy that leads you to do what you cannot afford just because you want to be like…” Pst Matthew Ashimolowo

” It gets a lil’ rough on the curve that leads to the next level….All we can do is look for God in all we go through and trust Him to take us through and enable us to cope, be comforted and conquer…. ” Alexander Victor.

*“Right things done and said at the right time to the right people at the right place always bring about the right results!” Alexander Victor.

*“The best way to use your gift is to develop it and the best way to develop it is to use it! Alexander Victor.

*“I have found one thing about life: Until you make peace with who you are, you may never be content with what you have.” Peter Martins.

*“Fellowship binds. When fellowship breaks, all things scatter. The enemy uses the virtuous things of God to destabilize God’s people!” Pst Francis Forbes

*“S.W.O.T- Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats help develop the human character. If you don’t have conviction anything will make you stop! It’s not about the physical; it’s about what God is doing!” Pst Francis Forbes

*“People are going to say what they think; in fact they have a right to their own opinions but their opinions don't make you. It is Your Father's opinion about you that counts because it is His opinion about you that you can live up to.” Sir Lionel Petersen

“I can’t make progress without change. I choose to have a matured attitude that responds well to life’s issues, a right mind- set void of assumption, suspicion, jealousy, low self-esteem and self-hatred. God values me so why shouldn’t I value me?”Aminata Adja R Dibassey.

*Each one of us is unique and has something to offer. We can all use our uniqueness as strength; we can all attain significance. We must chart our own path to significance but never forget help does not replace personal development. Everything starts with a personal development.”Dr Mensah Otabil

*Success is not a destination, it’s a journey; I don’t arrive, I keep going. When I think all is perfect and relax, that’s when the inevitable steps in. On the pathway to success, I must therefore take along an independent will, a guiding conscience and freedom of choice.”Dr Mensah Otabil

*“Don’t be ashamed for God has arranged you; you’re worth more than a billionaire; exclusively engineered. Nobody is a nobody. God doesn’t make mistakes!”J.Moss from the album V!

*“When God gives you a talent or ability, He expects you to use wisdom to enhance and make proper adequate use of the talent He has given. It behoves you to work on it, prune it, you try it out and then use it for your own benefit, giving Him the glory.”Chinello Dillimono

*“God has made us the head and not the tail. Do not put yourself under because another refuses to recognise your significance. Stand tall, Stand out and receive the grace to continue building the vision that was committed into your hands” Pamela Osakwe

*“Pride is a destroyer of destinies. It is time to replace pride with meekness if you desire to be great!” Bishop David Oyedepo

*“Victory is not accomplished without conflict” Bishop Thomas Dexter Jakes

*If you are not satisfied with your life, then you must change something. Like anyone else, if you keep doing the same things you have always done, you will have the life you have always had. You need to make a decision, the most important decision you will ever make!” Joyce Meyer

*“Agape is disinterested love. . . . Agape does not begin by discriminating between worthy and unworthy people, or any qualities people possess. It begins by loving others for their sakes. . . . Therefore, agape makes no distinction between friend and enemy; it is directed toward both.” Jay Dee

*“Truth does not need a human expression to validate it. Truth does not need a logical view to add weight to it, neither hope to realise it.
Truth does not need expectation or experience to manifest it.
Truth does not need your belief to exist! Truth does not need history or a future to justify it. Truth does not need a forensic test to qualify it.
Truth does not need human reasoning or perspective to hold it!!
Truth is eternal, it will stand the test of time, and it will stand alone, undaunted. It will not erode or metamorphosize. In the face of lies and deceit it will come out still standing” .Noel Robinson

*“There are and will be scoundrels', people that know where you are coming from, they are familiar with your past, your littleness, your 'nobody ness' and you lowly state in life. They refuse to respect the authority of God in your life, your new position and your new level.” Esther Adeyemi

*“Focus on your future pleasure, not your present pain. Think about what you can do when you are debt free! Keep the goal in your mind. Don’t allow yourself to focus on what you don’t have. Think about where you are going.” Robb Thompson

*"They say the worst probable things to weigh you down and destroy the very essence of who you truly are!
They say your situation won’t change; your trials won’t cease! They say, that’s fine! As far as I can remember and the last time I checked God still says what He said then."(ME)


Thursday 10 December 2009

What kind of God is this??? (Part 2)

What kind of God is this?
Astronauts have travelled beyond the depths of the earth
Yet His power remains UNSEARCHABLE!

What kind of God is this?
Chemists aim to understand the joining together of elements to form substances
But none can liken to the IMMUTABLE, ONLY-WISE GOD!

What kind of God is this?
Doctors have prescribed medicine as a measure for ailments
Yet none holds His kind of HEALING POWER!

What kind of God is this?
Professors have proclaimed there is no God in all the earth
But He is the only SELF-EXISTENT, OMNI-GOD, and YAHWEH!

What kind of God is this?
Sailors have sailed across stormy dangerous seas

What kind of God is this?
Pilots have flown over the land, mountains and seas

What kind of God is this?
Sculpturers have designed gods by the work of their hands

What kind of God is this?
Psychics have vyed for a ready ear claiming to tell of the life after

What kind of God is this?
Meteorologist work at predicting the weather

What kind of God is this?
Soldiers struggle to conquer territories
Yet no other has taken for Himself nations by a MIGHTY AND OUTSTRETCHED ARM!

Ah, what kind of God is this that we serve? ELOHIM, EL ELYON, ADONAI, JEHOVAH (YHVH-LORD), YESHUA, ABHIR, KADOSH, Ah, what kind of God is this?
What kind of God is this?

© December 2009 Aminata Adja Dibassey

What kind of God is this???

What kind of God is this?
Whose feet is the HIGHEST place for worship!

What kind of God is this?
Who is EXCEEDINGLY ABLE to supply ALL needs!

What kind of God is this?
STRONG ENOUGH to hold the WHOLE WORLD in His hands!

What kind of God is this?
A LION but yet still a LAMB!

What kind of God is this?
KING of Israel yet HUMBLE enough to serve!

What kind of God is this?

What kind of God is this?
ACQUAINTED with so much GRIEF but never withholding His art of GIVING!

What kind of God is this?

What kind of God is this?
A God of JUSTICE yet still REWARDING those who diligently seek!

Ah,what kind of God is this that I serve?

Ah,What kind of God is this?
What kind of God is this?

© September 2009 Aminata Adja Dibassey

Wednesday 25 November 2009


No matter how much the clouds fight to stop rain from falling on earth, it does not prevail when it is its due time.  

''Isaiah 55:8-11 (The Message) 
8-11"I don't think the way you think. The way you work isn't the way I work." God's Decree. "For as the sky soars high above earth, so the way I work surpasses the way you work, and the way I think is beyond the way you think. 

Just as rain and snow descend from the skies and don't go back until they've watered the earth, Doing their work of making things grow and blossom, producing seed for farmers and food for the hungry, So will the words that come out of my mouth not come back empty-handed. They’ll do the work I sent them to do; they’ll complete the assignment I gave them.  
My Father said to me and He is saying same to you ''If I can let the sun give way for my rain to water the earth, then I can pour rain on all your issues and allow for a fresh start in spite of how difficult the fight is or has been ’’
Most often, before it rains, it get a bit cloudy and the atmosphere uncomfortable but then comes the rain and after,there is a refreshing.If God can send down abundant rain to nourish the leaves of a tree and to cause it to blossom and no one has the power to stop it, how much more rain then would He not shower us whom He created in His own image and; likeness with?  

Whatever you are going through big or small, believe that God is sure to send rain on you and when He decides,no one can do a thing about it.You may find yourself in a desert and dry land but God says to you: He will pour water upon him that is thirsty, and floods upon the dry ground: Is 44:3:‘KJB No one can stop your rain!  

Selah! Love and Blessings!
© November 2009 Aminata A Dibassey.

Tuesday 17 November 2009

Assumption-A seed of destruction!

Assumption-A seed of destruction

If I ever begin to recount on all the things God has delivered me from, it may take eternity, yet still it is my duty to testify because by it ANOTHER MAY RECEIVE HEALING & RESTORATION!

A friend of mine today said to me, don’t you think it is a bit risky when you share your personal experiences with other people ESPECIALLY IF A MAN IS READING!

I laughed, she had a point somehow considering the world today but my reply was :’’ If God has redeemed us from the enemy, is it not just right to share the freedom with a ‘Nemo’ as Rita Twiggs puts it ?
Our testimony is essential because it builds and reminds another that nothing is impossible and that one can change if only he/she sets his/her heart at it. We don’t just testify of the mansion, car, and all. We must share our inner change as well. No wonder I love Joyce Meyer .She shares it as it is and is not ashamed of her.

For long, I had been a victim so to say of ASSUMPTION.I was always assuming without getting to the foundation of a matter.

Assumption is deadly. When you assume, a door which serves as access to the enemy becomes wide open. He then erodes your mind with creative, cunning imagination of things which in reality do not exist.
Assumption gives birth to suspicion, then jealousy and quarrel and if blown out of proportion, separation.

I had a friend and even though we had a great relationship, there were weaknesses on both sides. Constantly, I would find myself assuming at every open opportunity. Whenever I did not get a reply to my calls, messages or an appointment was changed, and first thing that will cross my mind were ungodly thoughts.

I am so glad today I can boldly stand and say that I am FREE and free indeed! People have reasons for everything they say or do. Your only duty is to believe and be wise. If anyone is unavailable to talk or reply a message instantly, it may be that they are not readily available, are busy or maybe even in a dilemma. That does not for a fact mean they are undermining or avoiding you. Look at the bright side; don’t just base your thoughts on the negative.

Do not bring yourself down low by assuming because that is what it does to you. It cheapens and destroys you very often. So don’t make assumption your first step in any circumstance. Make your own discovery not based on ear-say or your emotions and thoughts. Get to the root of the matter before passing judgement or crucifying someone.

The enemy does not love it when and where there is peace so assumption is one of his deadly tools for destruction. He’s come to kill, steal and destroy but God has come to give you life abundantly.

If you are tangled in the web of assumption or acting by rumours, I pray you will learn to trust and rely on God for help; be willing to change and take steps that actually lead you to change. Believe you can because aint nobody gonna do the believing in you better than you Sweetheart.
Summing it all up, friends, I'd say you'll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious—the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse. Put into practice what you learned from me, what you heard and saw and realized. Do that, and God, who makes everything work together, will work you into his most excellent harmonies. Philippians 4:8 (The Message)

© November 2009 Aminata A Dibassey.

Sunday 8 November 2009

What do you do when nothing works?

Are you trying to reach God and you cannot just get hold of His hand??

Are you struggling with your joy and peace because it seems that thing is just never going to happen?

Does it look like you are ceaselessly trying to open a door with the wrong keys?

Do the several hurdles you see look insurmountable?

Has impossibility become the order of the day in your life?

Does it look like you are not making progress and are stuck in a dead end?

Well friend, I want to encourage you today. We all at one point in time go through a period of darkness ,a season in a very deep valley and the way of escape is not readily present.

I have been in the valley, I have faced hurdles, struggled with peace and joy and I still I am. The good thing is, it has all become so better and easy since I realized by myself I can do nothing but with God, impossibility does not ring a bell.

When it seems like nothing works, Just BELIEVE GOD, get rid of the negative and have FAITH.

It is not your worry,tears,complaints that moves the hand of God, it’s the faith you have. Abraham had faith and He moved God’s hand. You do not have to push, step on or tear down another to succeed; just ask of God and have faith.

Get rid of doubt and thoughts of the past. God will never consult your past to determine your future you know and hey He has not and would never forget you.

James 1:7-8 (The Message)
“5-8If you don't know what you're doing, pray to the Father. He loves to help. You'll get his help, and won't be condescended to when you ask for it. Ask boldly, believing , without a second thought. People who "worry their prayers" are like wind-whipped waves. Don't think you're going to get anything from the Master that way, adrift at sea, keeping all your options open.”

It takes faith to pray. It takes knowing God and getting rid of doubt every time it shows its ugly face to build faith.
*Open and loose your mind to possibility.
*Do not allow the events of rejection take hold of your destiny
*Break those limitations, expand your horizon and have faith!
*Do not be afraid of the future. God holds the world in his hands and He is faithful enough to supply your need.
*Fear not your accusers, God is more than able to break the teeth of all of our opposers.

Faith is the answer, I have tried it and each time, it yields result no matter how long it takes!

Love and blessings!

© September 2009 Aminata Adja Dibassey


For a while now, God has impressed upon my heart this statement: REDUCE ME TO LOVE.

God is love and if we are to be imitators of Him in this world, it is imperative that you and I be reduced to nothing but love. 1John 4:7, 8, 11

‘’ 7Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.
8Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.
11 Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.’’

Without love we are nothing but a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. Even if we give all we possess to the poor and surrender our bodies to the flames, but have not love, we gain nothing. Without love we cannot claim we love or know God talk less of loving another.

The love God desires you and I to be reduced to is not emotional but Agape-The God kind of love.

Emotional love is based on conditions –I can love you only if, when, except but God’s love expects nothing in return.

How often do we hear or even say ourselves,” I love you because you are beautiful;’’, "I love you because you take good care of me;" or "I love you just because you are fun to hang out with"?
We must not just love someone because they fulfill a condition we require.

Our measure of love for others determines the depths of our love and relationship with God. How I can I love an unseen God if I cannot first love the person next to me, the one I can see.Rom 5:5 God’s love is shed abroad in our heart so we may in return share it with as many as He places on our way.

God is love and whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him. We simply do His will when we begin to love. Love is the essence of WHO He is .1 John 4:9-18.

The love we must have is one that shows no partiality (Acts 10:34) because God does not show partiality nor is He a respecter of persons. The way we treat people who are in no position to offer us little or nothing in return shows just how much love there is within us. Love honours and respects everyone equally. It does not favor one above the other.

Love pulls us out of bondage and into freedom and liberty. Have you ever realized that when you hate someone,and are resentful, you are kind of imprisoned within yourself but when you love, such a peace erodes your heart?

Love completes and gives us a sense of fulfillment.Let us live life loving, it is a command. The essence of life is love; I pray you be reduced to love.

Father, my desire is that you reduce me to love; teach me how to share the love You have shed abroad my heart with my neighbor so I can then learn to love you better….

Reduce me to a love not based on emotions or conditions but a love with no strings attached. Reduce me to a love that gives and does not withhold good when I am able to. Reduce me to a love that forgives and remembers no more. Reduce me to the God-kind of love in Jesus’ Name!

‘’Luke 6:35 But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked’’

Love and blessings!

© November 2009 Aminata A Dibassey.