Sunday 25 April 2010

Your destiny is great!!!

I’m a firm believer in God because I know no other way to make it without Him!! I don’t send you mails or write a blog because I feel like writing. I do what I do not because I want to, nor because I’m forced too but because that is what I’m called to do. I’m simply obeying the call and I do so without apologies or fear of who will read this or not!!

As a new week lies ahead, I encourage you out of experience to embrace the love which God freely gives. He is the beginning to a GREAT DESTINY! Your yesterday might not have been beautiful but your tomorrow promises to be better if only you will give way to Him in your life! You may be judged by your present predicament but that is in no way your defining factor. Don’t ever let anyone classify or set standards for your life; you are only what God say you are and nothing less. God’s standard is your measuring rod!!!

Don’t think of giving up; it’s never too late for God to bring about a turnaround, to change the chapters of your life. You’re never too old not to achieve destiny!!! You don’t know what God is working in your favour. Where you are at now is only a temporary season which is sure to fade and give way to a refreshing; Like Mya says in her song ‘After the rain’: ‘After the rain the sun shines then a brighter day; After the rain change comes nothing stays the same; Things gonna change; There’s no more pain after the rain’.

In conclusion. I say: ‘God can bypass every natural and man-made law to change your story. He is able to clean you and change you and dress you up with a new garment. Your destiny is great so please, I pray thee, don’t throw in the towel.' ”Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:18-19 (NIV).

Have a fulfilled and rewarding week!!!

Love and Blessings,
Adja Amy.

©April 2010 Aminata .A .Dibassey 

Wednesday 14 April 2010

Keep your head up!!!

' Yesterday is but a dream,and tomorrow only a vision;but today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope.Look well therefore to this day' (Indian poem).

One step at at time,enjoy the life God has given you.Somewhere somehow someone is wishing they were you!Be thankful even when it seems it's all coming up to nothing.God sure works ,I am a testimony.Promise yourself to sow seeds of positive thoughts,words and actions.Improve your relationship with others ;commit yourself to do those things that will make you a better and more confident person.I've seen several changes in my life and I know it isnt impossible for you too.

Have a rewarding week and remember I love you!!
Adja Amy....